
Laura Young

HIE Consultant
CRISP Shared Services/Converge Health Information Solutions

Laura Young is an information technology expert with over 25 years working within the IT industry with a focus on government, non-profit, education and healthcare. Most recently she served as the Executive Director for Alaska’s statewide HIE, healtheConnect Alaska and continues to provide consultation support for Alaska and other state HIEs. She has degrees in Information Technology and Health Services Management. Laura has been a leader in the healthcare IT sector for over 10 years with a specific focus on Clinical IT and HIE systems. Laura joined Behavioral Health Network of Arizona (BHINAZ) in January 2013 and spent almost 4 years as the Executive Director, becoming a Subject Matter Expert (SME) on HIE, Interoperability and 42 CFR Part 2. Nationally, she is involved in a number of HIE and behavioral health interoperability efforts. She serves nationally as the Vice Chair of the HIMSS Interoperability & Health Information Exchange Community and serves on the board of the Hawaii-Alaska HIMSS chapter.

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