
Bill Howard

Audacious Inquiry

Bill Howard is a Principal at Audacious Inquiry and is a champion for leading team collaboration, healthcare innovation, organizational growth, and technology-driven solutions. More specifically, Mr. Howard drives product development of ADT Alerts, Smart Routing, and Data Quality, among several other custom software development initiatives. His background spans 20+ years of experience with Healthcare IT product and process development focused on creating new solutions to support streamlined healthcare delivery and healthcare reform initiatives. By delivering results for a wide variety of startups, acquisitions, and global Fortune 100 companies, he has encountered multi-system, multi-vendor, complex IT system integrations, which serves as a strong foundation for challenges that lie ahead. Prior to Audacious Inquiry, Mr. Howard provided his expertise to 3M, Roche, IDX, GE, and was most recently the VP of Product Management and Solution Architecture at Caradigm. His BS in Engineering was obtained from the University of Vermont.

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